Thursday, November 21st
This workout aims to improve your endurance, to help you prepare for the Rapha Women's 100km Challenge! Whilst your target event is a long one - your training doesn't have to be. You can prepare for Rapha Women's 100 by completing structured Zwift workouts - such as this one. The workout contains 3 x 9 minute blocks of Zone 3, with some surges thrown in for good measure! The Zone 3 riding should feel nice and comfortable, however the surges may sting a little. The surges in each block increase in intensity, but decrease in duration; Block 1 - 105% of FTP for 30 seconds, Block 2 - 110% of FTP, for 20 seconds, Block 3 - 115% of FTP for 15 seconds. At the end of each 9 minute block, there is a 1 minute 'free ride' - you can either drop the hammer and give it your max effort, or ride easy and encourage your fellow Zwifters!
Erste Schritte für Rennen mit Punktzahlbewertung
Du musst ein paar Fahrten abschließen, um an deinem ersten Rennen mit Punktzahlbewertung teilzunehmen. Wenn uns mehr Informationen zur Verfügung stehen, können wir dir die Gruppe vorschlagen, die sich am besten für einen Wettkampf mit dir eignet.