Thursday, November 21st
Big thanks
Combo here of a friendly roll and chit chat followed by an optional race.
Fun ride with plenty who do and don’t race so something for everyone. We
get a good group of regulars with lots of chat.
The first two laps of this ride at roughly 2.2w/kg pace where everyone
remains with Yellow Beacon. 3rd lap is an optional 11km race for those that
want to race. Always plenty of non-racers that ride home together.
To qualify for race results you MUST start the 3rd lap behind Yellow
Combo here of a friendly roll and chit chat followed by an optional race.
Fun ride with plenty who do and don’t race so something for everyone. We
get a good group of regulars with lots of chat.
The first two laps of this ride at roughly 2.2w/kg pace where everyone
remains with Yellow Beacon. 3rd lap is an optional 11km race for those that
want to race. Always plenty of non-racers that ride home together.
To qualify for race results you MUST start the 3rd lap behind Yellow
Erste Schritte für Rennen mit Punktzahlbewertung
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