Tuesday, November 26th
Join fellow Wahooligan riders for a challenging workout in Watopia!
This workout is focused on aerobic conditioning, getting your aerobic system revved up for some harder training session ahead. In this workout we accumulate a total of 30min 'work' with the majority of that below your FTP. We split this workout into x3 10min segments but within each segment we have x2 1 min bursts above FTP. These 1min bursts rise from 102% up to 107% over the 3 blocks.
This workout is focused on aerobic conditioning, getting your aerobic system revved up for some harder training session ahead. In this workout we accumulate a total of 30min 'work' with the majority of that below your FTP. We split this workout into x3 10min segments but within each segment we have x2 1 min bursts above FTP. These 1min bursts rise from 102% up to 107% over the 3 blocks.
Erste Schritte für Rennen mit Punktzahlbewertung
Du musst ein paar Fahrten abschließen, um an deinem ersten Rennen mit Punktzahlbewertung teilzunehmen. Wenn uns mehr Informationen zur Verfügung stehen, können wir dir die Gruppe vorschlagen, die sich am besten für einen Wettkampf mit dir eignet.