Saturday, May 30th
Come ride shoulder to shoulder with world-famous cycling legend, Jens Voigt. Jens is hosting a 60-minute social ride in support of Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF). CAF is an organization that provides opportunities and support to people with physical challenges, so they can pursue active lifestyles through physical fitness and competitive athletics. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of disabled athletes worldwide!
Please help support a mission that Jens cares deeply about and consider donating to the Challenged Athletes Foundation. Every rider and every donation matters! a new window
#cafoundation #thejensie #shutuplegs #TeamCAF #CAFPowersThrough #GoZwift
Please help support a mission that Jens cares deeply about and consider donating to the Challenged Athletes Foundation. Every rider and every donation matters! a new window
#cafoundation #thejensie #shutuplegs #TeamCAF #CAFPowersThrough #GoZwift
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