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Browsing Events tagged with #jerseyunlockClear
Friday, March 14
Team #1 will roll out at the regularly scheduled time (09:05 EST/13:05 UTC)
and maintain the advertised pace (21-23mph/34-38kph on flat sections. If
the road tilts up greater than 0%, Yellow Beacon will pace at 1.8-2.0
w/kg). Yellow Beacon#2 will pause in the Starting Pen with an eager, but
disciplined, group of pursuit riders. The Pursuit Team will work together
as a TEAM to catch the main group. Please follow the directions from Yellow
Beacon#2 if you join the Pursuit Team. This is NOT a race back to the
Yellow Beacon!
and maintain the advertised pace (21-23mph/34-38kph on flat sections. If
the road tilts up greater than 0%, Yellow Beacon will pace at 1.8-2.0
w/kg). Yellow Beacon#2 will pause in the Starting Pen with an eager, but
disciplined, group of pursuit riders. The Pursuit Team will work together
as a TEAM to catch the main group. Please follow the directions from Yellow
Beacon#2 if you join the Pursuit Team. This is NOT a race back to the
Yellow Beacon!
Primeros pasos en las carreras puntuadas
Tendrás que terminar algunos recorridos antes de poder participar en tu primera carrera puntuada. Con más datos, podremos recomendarte el mejor grupo contra el que competir.