Wednesday, March 31
Every Wednesday at 7:05pm UK-time, TRI247 present a triathlon focused workout brought to you by a guest 'coach.' This will include sessions by pro triathletes, coaches and notable characters associated with the sport.
The workouts are typically about 60 minutes long and designed to add variety and interest to your weekly training schedule.
We are thrilled to Kyle Smith ( a new window),
Professional triathlete as this week’s guest ride leader. Kyle finished third in his debut full distance race at IRONMAN New Zealand on Saturday, qualifying for Kona in the process.
Still only 23, Kyle has won 5 out of 5 Middle Distance events over the past two years, breaking the course record in every one. Join the ride to learn from and chat with one of the brightest prospects in the sport!
The session has been set by Kyle’s coach, Tim Brazier ( a new window)
“This is a shorter version of a workout we use to build aerobic capacity and strength endurance. Typically this set is performed lots in the early season, and we will build the total volume of it over time.
“The long intervals alternate between high Zone 2 (Unders) and low Zone 3 (Overs). Feel free to select your preferred cadence – lower cadence is suggested for the strength building Overs”
Zwifters line up in the starting area just like a normal event and once the event starts, workout mode begins. Everyone stays together regardless of power output. That's right, if you're outputting 100W and another Zwifter is outputting 400W you will stay in exactly the same position relative to each other. Only if you stop pedaling and fall 6 meters behind the group will the rubber-banding stop.
We highly recommend doing one of the FTP tests as the estimated FTP can be inaccurate and make the difficulty level of the workouts too high for your current fitness level.
The workouts are typically about 60 minutes long and designed to add variety and interest to your weekly training schedule.
We are thrilled to Kyle Smith ( a new window),
Professional triathlete as this week’s guest ride leader. Kyle finished third in his debut full distance race at IRONMAN New Zealand on Saturday, qualifying for Kona in the process.
Still only 23, Kyle has won 5 out of 5 Middle Distance events over the past two years, breaking the course record in every one. Join the ride to learn from and chat with one of the brightest prospects in the sport!
The session has been set by Kyle’s coach, Tim Brazier ( a new window)
“This is a shorter version of a workout we use to build aerobic capacity and strength endurance. Typically this set is performed lots in the early season, and we will build the total volume of it over time.
“The long intervals alternate between high Zone 2 (Unders) and low Zone 3 (Overs). Feel free to select your preferred cadence – lower cadence is suggested for the strength building Overs”
Zwifters line up in the starting area just like a normal event and once the event starts, workout mode begins. Everyone stays together regardless of power output. That's right, if you're outputting 100W and another Zwifter is outputting 400W you will stay in exactly the same position relative to each other. Only if you stop pedaling and fall 6 meters behind the group will the rubber-banding stop.
We highly recommend doing one of the FTP tests as the estimated FTP can be inaccurate and make the difficulty level of the workouts too high for your current fitness level.
Primeros pasos en las carreras puntuadas
Tendrás que terminar algunos recorridos antes de poder participar en tu primera carrera puntuada. Con más datos, podremos recomendarte el mejor grupo contra el que competir.