Saturday, June 12
Welcome to "Into The Red" presented by Relentless.
Our races will run as "No HUD", unless there are races with more than 5 laps. With the No Hud racing we would recommend using the following overlay app: a new window for your overlay in game.
Bring your teammates, race tactically, and let's have some fun! ITR Race will have 3 custom power-ups enabled. Come see if how you stack up against the “Relentless” horde!
You must be opted-in on & to be counted for race results. We highly encourage A racers to follow Zwift eRacing Ruleset. Dual recording of trainer & a secondary power meter for A categories recommended. We reserve the right to ask for data validation, and verification of outstanding performances. HR monitor required for all races and all categories. No ZPower results for A and B category, or for C category podium.
Today At 1:07:44 PM Via Email
Our races will run as "No HUD", unless there are races with more than 5 laps. With the No Hud racing we would recommend using the following overlay app: a new window for your overlay in game.
Bring your teammates, race tactically, and let's have some fun! ITR Race will have 3 custom power-ups enabled. Come see if how you stack up against the “Relentless” horde!
You must be opted-in on & to be counted for race results. We highly encourage A racers to follow Zwift eRacing Ruleset. Dual recording of trainer & a secondary power meter for A categories recommended. We reserve the right to ask for data validation, and verification of outstanding performances. HR monitor required for all races and all categories. No ZPower results for A and B category, or for C category podium.
Today At 1:07:44 PM Via Email
Primeros pasos en las carreras puntuadas
Tendrás que terminar algunos recorridos antes de poder participar en tu primera carrera puntuada. Con más datos, podremos recomendarte el mejor grupo contra el que competir.