Sunday, June 13
The Summer Stampede
Join the Herd Racing League as we race a series of 12 Individual Time Trial events.
Each of the 4 categories will start at the same time, with the winner taking the spoils and adulation of their competitors!
Each category has its own w/kg limits which are set based on 95% of your best 20 minute power.
For more information, please visit our group on Facebook: a new window
Join us on Discord during the race! a new window
Race Categories:
D — 0.000 - 2.499
C — 2.500 - 3.199
B — 3.200 - 3.999
A — 4.000 +
Facebook Group: a new window
ZwiftPower League: a new window
Join the Herd Racing League as we race a series of 12 Individual Time Trial events.
Each of the 4 categories will start at the same time, with the winner taking the spoils and adulation of their competitors!
Each category has its own w/kg limits which are set based on 95% of your best 20 minute power.
For more information, please visit our group on Facebook: a new window
Join us on Discord during the race! a new window
Race Categories:
D — 0.000 - 2.499
C — 2.500 - 3.199
B — 3.200 - 3.999
A — 4.000 +
Facebook Group: a new window
ZwiftPower League: a new window
Primeros pasos en las carreras puntuadas
Tendrás que terminar algunos recorridos antes de poder participar en tu primera carrera puntuada. Con más datos, podremos recomendarte el mejor grupo contra el que competir.