Friday, November 19th
7:30AM GMT
Zwift Running League - Zone 1
Lace up! It’s time to run. Introducing Zwift Running League, a 6-week series of heart-pounding, can’t-miss events featuring alternating race formats we all know and love.

Interested in the relay? All it takes are three runners, plus an alternate/team manager. Show off your speed as each member races 2km. Time to strategize!

There are 5 event times to choose from and placed into our unique City classification system based on your team’s run pace categories.

To register your team, head over to www.wtrl.racingOpens a new window. Here you can also check out the competition rules (advised!), your teams allocated starting time and full detailed results that are updated throughout the day.

For the relay, all it takes is a team of three runners, plus an alternate/team manager. Teams will be awarded points based on their final placing. To keep it simple, the team with the fastest time wins!

Relay Format: 3 runners per team.
Each team will designate their own order of runners.

RUNNER ONE will start as soon as the gate opens and complete their distance (2.0km).
RUNNER TWO and THREE cannot leave the pen! IF you do your team will be Given a 20 second penalty.
RUNNER TWO can only start running ONCE Runner One finishes their 2km leg. Runner Two can either fan view runner One or be alerted by teammates on Discord when Runner One is finished.
Runner 3 will follow the same format and can ONLY start once Runner Two finishes their 2km Leg.
The Relay will be complete when the 3rd and Final Runner crosses the finish line. and will record the teams final time.

Heart Rate and Cadence Sensors are MANDATORY for this race series. a new window
Zwift Running League - Atlanta - Race Results
Log in to view race results
TiempoVentajaVatiosW/kg20 minW/kg5 minW/kg15 sW/kg