Saturday, January 1
Happy New Year!
The Garmin Never Stop Cycling Tour is all about fun social rides and is open to everyone. This time on New Years day with the first ever women World Champion E-sports & pro rider Ashleigh Moolman of Team SD Worx & E-sports team Rocacorba. Enjoy riding in the bunch while you can chat with Ashleigh as she rides on her Tacx NEO 2T! Make this year a good start, hop on your indoor trainer as well and just #NeverStopCycling
The Garmin Never Stop Cycling Tour is all about fun social rides and is open to everyone. This time on New Years day with the first ever women World Champion E-sports & pro rider Ashleigh Moolman of Team SD Worx & E-sports team Rocacorba. Enjoy riding in the bunch while you can chat with Ashleigh as she rides on her Tacx NEO 2T! Make this year a good start, hop on your indoor trainer as well and just #NeverStopCycling
Primeros pasos en las carreras puntuadas
Tendrás que terminar algunos recorridos antes de poder participar en tu primera carrera puntuada. Con más datos, podremos recomendarte el mejor grupo contra el que competir.