Tuesday, March 28
Black Girls Do Bike was founded by Monica Godfrey-Garrison in 2013, with an interest in growing & supporting a community of women of color, who share a passion for cycling. We champion efforts to introduce the joy of cycling to all women but especially women of color.
Black Girls Do Bike will celebrate its 10-year anniversary at the National Meetup in San Diego, during the weekend of August 25-27th. Join us if you can!
Upon completion of the ride, a replica of the ‘Icon’ BGDB jersey will be unlocked!
Black Girls Do Bike will celebrate its 10-year anniversary at the National Meetup in San Diego, during the weekend of August 25-27th. Join us if you can!
Upon completion of the ride, a replica of the ‘Icon’ BGDB jersey will be unlocked!
Primeros pasos en las carreras puntuadas
Tendrás que terminar algunos recorridos antes de poder participar en tu primera carrera puntuada. Con más datos, podremos recomendarte el mejor grupo contra el que competir.