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Thursday, February 22
5:30 PM UTC
SZR Group Workout by Thyr
Group Workout
Nudging the grit! The home of the unstructured GWOs. Nothing really matters, just some disciplined rides together with friends. No plans, just a ride out with pixels that is good for you mentally and physically.
Every 6th week we do a #maxtjuga (as we say in Sweden) or a the old school 20min FTP test together.
Ride with Mattias Thyr at in courtesy of SZR as he makes workouts for the one who cares and lets him. on his 6th years or +200 GWO:s he lead personally on Zwift. Come join and, "Aim for the stars!

This 60' workout can be done fasted or fuelled as the objective is to feel the sensations associated with different fueling strategies. Since this workout is based off % of your FTP, it is suggested to make sure your FTP is up to date and accurate or that you perform a FTP Test on Zwift prior to this workout. Keep in mind that you can use the Zwift Companion App or Page up/down on your computer in order to adjust the FTP bias 10% up or down to dial in your exact level of effort.
SZR Group Workout by Thyr (E)
route nameGotham Grind Reverse