Saturday, December 28
Join Zwift CEO, Eric Min, and the Zwift community as we take on one of the most daunting route badges in Zwift: London PRL Full. Together, the route is more manageable and it’s right in the middle of Rapha Festive 500. Now’s your chance to snag a badge, check off over 30% of the 500km challenge, and unlock the new Rapha Festive 500 kit.
Prep your fuel and get good rest. It’s about to be a long ride.
Prep your fuel and get good rest. It’s about to be a long ride.
Primeros pasos en las carreras puntuadas
Tendrás que terminar algunos recorridos antes de poder participar en tu primera carrera puntuada. Con más datos, podremos recomendarte el mejor grupo contra el que competir.