Sunday, March 11th
6:05AM GMT
THE CHOP WBR - Road to Ruins (Race)
The Chop ride is an all-out Full Gas handicapped race.

Unlike the normal weekly Chop rides Road to Ruins means you need to really focus on those climbs and stay together. Smash it on the downhills and flats.

Hold the group on the climbs and no flyers as this only hurts your team. The bigger the group the faster the group so work as a team.

If your dropped don't burn your matches trying to get back on. Sometimes its easier to wait for the next grade to come through and jump on their wheel.

You all have to work together. No point one man on the front driving the group. Your a unit that needs everyone.

Watch your grading. While it may seem easier to place in B or C grade big brother will be watching and sandbaggers will incur time penalties. Sometimes those extra pair of legs in a grade may be all the difference in keeping the group size strong.

Watch your Watt bombs of the start line. No one benefits least of all you if you're off the front alone at the star. Don't forget the bigger the group the faster it goes also.

Hold steady pace on the climbs. Hills can break up the group so watch out for some drifting and try keep everyone together. The map can be a good help with this.


Starting in Graded splits:
D-C Grade 4 Minutes 1-2w/kg
C-B Grade 3 Minutes 2-3w/kg
B-A Grade 2 Minutes 3-4w/kg
A Grade Scratch 4w/kg +

All results, info and images posted on the facebook group ‘THE CHOP – ZWIFT RACE’ request to join.
THE CHOP A - Race Results
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TiempoVentajaVatiosW/kg20 minW/kg5 minW/kg15 sW/kg