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Sunday, March 23
10:00 AM UTC
score based event
DBR Sunday Race
Cet événement est soumis aux conditions suivantes :
category enforcement iconCatégorie imposée.
heart rate monitor required iconCardiofréquencemètre requis.
power meter required iconWattmètre requis.
Rendez-vous sur pour obtenir plus d'informations sur les règles de compétition.
Welcome to DBR Sunday Race.
All will start with 1 minute between RS categories. Expect each race to be highly competitive and have fun.
Each race will be using Zwift Racing Score (ZRS) for categorization.
race up a category, if your RS is at the top end of a category. Or if you simply desire an added challenge.
- A: 1000 =< 690
- B:690<520
- C:520<350
- D:350<180
- E:180<=0
Your Zwift Racing Score is determined by how much success you have in races.
better against people with higher ZRS, then your ZRS may increase. If you place worse than people with lower ZRS, then your score might decrease. Read more about ZRS here - a new window < a new window>
If your ZRS increases past a category boundary during the series, your points earned will not transfer to the new category with you.
Smart trainer or power meter is required. zPower will be removed.
Heart rate monitors are compulsory for all categories.
No TT bikes unless it's a TT event.
You need to have a registered account with and accept their terms and conditions to be in the results of the race.
Race organizers may request riders in all categories to provide a dual recording or a matching RL effort (Strava) in order to verify a Zwift race effort. Failure to comply may result in disqualification from the event. Failure to provide a dual recording or RL effort on three requests may result in disqualification from future events, until a dual recording with a matching effort is provided.
Race organizers may exclude a rider from the results, due to poor sportsmanship. Examples may be bad language, sandbagging or other behavior of a disruptive manner.

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