Saturday, May 18th
6:00AM GMT
FRR Charity Day - 24hrs - Atop Ventop
Cet événement est soumis aux conditions suivantes :
power meter required iconWattmètre requis.
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Flamme Rouge Racing are excited to bring you our first annual Charity Day - unofficially we class Ventop as our hill so what better place to hold our event to raise funds.

Our primary reason for the day is to raise funds for our 2 chosen Charities - please follow the links to see the great work that they do to help and support children recovering from cancer through the use of bikes and exercise and supporting families who lose a child far too early - it's a connection made by one of the Team organising pillars within FRR who annually looks to raise funds for the BH Foundation.

Cyclists Fighting Cancer : a new window
Bodie Hodges Foundation : a new window

Event Format
Starting at 0700BST on Saturday May 18th we will have events every 30mins that start in the France Pens and are set to just climb Ventop - with a virtual vertical gain of 1,500m. The last event will run at 0630BST on Sunday May 19th. a new window

Why every 30mins... well the challnege is all about the number of ascents not descents... so get to tthe top, save and within 30mins a new event is ready for you to join to go again.
Now of course we are not asking riders to ride all day, though some might - if a rider can do 1 ascent then thats fine too... just be a part of something different and perhaps part of the biggest virtual ascent of Ventop ever in 24 hours.
Events will be open on the Companion App to make joining the events easy, events will be noted as 'Races' using just One Pen but we can only pickup riders who have a Zwiftpower account and are registered with FRR.
On course everyone will see everyone - it would be great if everyone doing the challenge adds FRR VT to their Zwift Companion app 'Lastname'

Event Registration - New riders to FRR
In order to be included in the results and be counted towards your Team ascent total riders will need to be registered, this can be done at any time over the weekend - your efforts will show only once registered - please visit our website and click the Registration link on the Home page it will take 60 seconds - but remember you will also need a Zwiftpower Account in order to register - but having neither wil not prevent you from joining an event - it's purely for the tracking of results. a new window

Event Aim
Quite simply raise funds either directly or through friends sponsoring you... there is no minimum and certainly no maximum.

What we reccommend is as follows but ultiamtely it;s down to you.
- for riders who are completing 1 ascent then £10 donation to the central charity link below
- for riders who are completing multiple ascents then £5 per ascent

Event Proceeds
Our two main Charities will share 70% of the funds raised, the remianing 30% will be shared equally between the nominated Charities of the three Zwift Clubs that complete the most ascents in the Zwift events we have organised.

All funds are requested to be donated to the following central Charity collection site: a new window

What can you achieve on the day?
There are so many endurance options here is just an example of what you could achieve on the day.... personally I am looking to complete 2 challenges Everresting 10k and FRR vBiCingles Challenge...

- Be part of the first World Record for the most virtual completed ascents of Ventop in 24 hrs (We will count completed ascents within the time limit only) - Pending acceptance from the GWBR (Guiness World Book of Records)
- Set the Mens and Womens most virtual completed ascents in 24hrs and total meters climbed - Ascent must be completed by 0700BST May 19th - Pending acceptance from GWBR

Challenges (Complete the FRR challenges and you wil lalso receive the FRR Zwift Jersey and you'll own the hardest Jersey to own on the platform)
- FRR vCingles challenge - 3 ascents back to back - no need to descend just save your event and join the next one... The normal challenge includes the descents however we will add 50mins to your overall time to adjust the recognition time on our site.
- FRR vBiCingles challenge - 6 ascents back to back - we will add 1hr 40mins to adjust the recognition time.

Current FRR record for virtual ascents is 8 ascents by a Woman and 6 virtual ascents completed by man in 24 hours...

Subject to Hells 500 rules but riders remember must include the descents and be one continous activity so I'd suggest starting one of our events and then just keep going.. plus anything else they stipulate.
'base camp' which would be 3 ascents
Everresting is 6 ascents and 10k is just one more!!

Communication on the Day
Discord will be setup for messages and there will be several channle set up to join in voice (our invite link to the server is below). We have Facebook to post on and in event we can message on screen...

Discord Invite link: a new window
Facebook: a new window

Fun, exercise, fund raising but due care and attention
And finally remember we all do this for fun and exercise so ride on and enjoy the FRR events....stay safe but if you feel unwell please STOP !

Finally I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who joins the event, Zwift enables us to bring together riders from across the globe into a single place and share an unforgettable experience but in the process help others.

FRR Charity Day - 24hrs - A Top Ventop - Race Results
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TempsÉcartWattsW/kg20 minW/kg5 minW/kg15 secW/kg