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Browsing Events tagged with #jerseyunlockClear
Friday, March 14
Questo evento ha i seguenti requisiti:
The QueenBees are a group of women who share a love of cycling. Just as a hive works together to bring out the best in every member of the community, so do we. We strive to support, empower and encourage women to live their best lives, no matter where they are on their life, cycling or fitness journey. Join us for a social ride, all abilities welcome pace will be around 1.3 - 1.5 wpkg. During the ride try to stay with the yellow lead beacon and follow instructions from your ride leader.
Inizia con le gare a punteggio
Dovrai portare a termine alcune pedalate prima di poter partecipare alla tua prima gara a punti. Una volta raccolti più dati, saremo in grado di consigliarti il gruppo migliore contro cui gareggiare.