Friday, October 30th
Welcome to the Evolution Cycling Club [EVO] 100km high Zone 2 base ride. These rides are geared towards Zwifters that are looking for a high-tempo base ride - a session that will average around 3.5w/kg, depending on riders weight, but it may vary based upon course/leader. The aim is to develop muscular endurance by working just below threshold. There will be no keepers on this ride - if you find yourself detached from the main group please form a second group and maintain high Zone 2. High social interaction is a feature of EVO rides, so bring your best banter! Use the mobile app or a keyboard to communicate in-ride.
Inizia con le gare a punteggio
Dovrai portare a termine alcune pedalate prima di poter partecipare alla tua prima gara a punti. Una volta raccolti più dati, saremo in grado di consigliarti il gruppo migliore contro cui gareggiare.