Friday, June 9
Come join Singapore Zwifters for our weekly 100km ride at a steady pace. Ride will average 2.4 - 2.6 W/kg. Pace will be 38-40 kmh and a time of 2.33-2.38 (hr/ min). Bring a joke and mutual understanding! Lets share your experiences to riders all over the world.
The success of the event depends on your commitment to teamwork, respect and follow the ride leader. If you are off the back and need help, call out early as we have gentle and reliable sweepers.
Join the Ascenders Team FB group: a new window
The success of the event depends on your commitment to teamwork, respect and follow the ride leader. If you are off the back and need help, call out early as we have gentle and reliable sweepers.
Join the Ascenders Team FB group: a new window
Inizia con le gare a punteggio
Dovrai portare a termine alcune pedalate prima di poter partecipare alla tua prima gara a punti. Una volta raccolti più dati, saremo in grado di consigliarti il gruppo migliore contro cui gareggiare.