Saturday, August 5th
Relaxed samen op pad, dat is waar het in onze ZwiftNL Group Rides om gaat. Rustig tempo en een makkelijke route, zodat jij ook kunt socializen met de andere deelnemers. Samen uit, samen thuis!
Relaxed on the road together, that's what our ZwiftNL Group Rides are all about. Easy pace and an easy route, so you can also socialize with the other participants. We are in this together!
Check Zwift Nederland op Facebook
Relaxed on the road together, that's what our ZwiftNL Group Rides are all about. Easy pace and an easy route, so you can also socialize with the other participants. We are in this together!
Check Zwift Nederland op Facebook
Inizia con le gare a punteggio
Dovrai portare a termine alcune pedalate prima di poter partecipare alla tua prima gara a punti. Una volta raccolti più dati, saremo in grado di consigliarti il gruppo migliore contro cui gareggiare.