Monday, July 29th
6:30AM GMT
ZZRC Bring a Bidon Social Ride
Group Ride
Welcome to our sociable early morning/evening social group ride. Aimed at gently easing you into the day by riding with a bunch of mates.

Pace starts slow and builds through the ride.
This is a group ride, we aim to support each other. It's not a race, but it's also is not a "no drop ride" ... including not dropping your marmalade on toast on your chain.


Some mornings, due to IRL commitments, alarms failing to go off and to be completely frank, a bit of laziness, there will be NO yellow beacon to lead the ride. On those rides chat, be sociable, form groups with like paced riders and support each other.

Total duration will be between 45mins and 1hr approx. (depending on route). But no obligation to complete the full distance, you’re welcome to join for as long as you have available and we’re very happy to have you along.

This ride is a medium paced group ride. We will start slow and give time to warm/wake up, gradually building the pace to escape (the pain cave) velocity.

Nobody likes being dropped, we’ve all been there (some of us more than others and on IRL rides too), we understand the frustration. Bear in mind this is not a ”no drop ride”.

The draft effect means if you’re fall off the back of the main group you need to pace well over group pace to bridge the gap and catch. As a guide 3.5 or 4.0w/kg is needed to chase down a group at 2.7w/kg.
Sweepers are not in operation and if you find yourself further back:

A) Shortly after the start - Consider exiting the event and re-joining as a late joiner (late join is available for the first 30 minutes). Zwift's late join feature SHOULD teleport you into the main pack when you re-join.
B) After a signal drop out - Send a message to the group we may be able to arrange for some of the stronger riders to drop back and help. Just as long as you’re not on a TT bike (they don’t draft) or over a minute back.
Otherwise check the mini-map for riders around you, form a gruppetto with them, support each other (#DoubleDraft< href="" target="_blank" class="accessibility-info-container"> a new window> is on), chat, give "ride ons", make Zwift buddies.

- Stay close to the ride leader (or in front on climbs), don’t let a gap form and the elastic snap! This is especially important on descents as the leader will often roll through the regroup point at the bottom.
- Stay away from the Fence - it’s evil.
- Visit the ZZRC Facebook page.
- Most important of all: HAVE FUN AND ENJOY THE RIDE.

Join us on Discord: a new window
