Friday, June 3
1:00 PM UTC
Ramp Test… with Friends!
Group Workout
Group workouts in Club events? Yeah baby! Zwift just rolled out a Companion update that allows Clubs to host group workouts, so we’re gonna give it a try with a GROUP RAMP TEST.

This should be a fun challenge as we push to see who can last the longest. Push until you can’t push anymore, then cheer on those who are still going!

A ramp test is designed to estimate your FTP. It uses a relatively short progressive build of one minute steps to quickly identify the upper limit of your aerobic capacity. The ramp portion of the test should, ideally, take about 5-20 minutes to complete. It should start out feeling extremely easy. And then, rather suddenly, it will get much, much harder. It is at that point - when the difficulty really shifts - that you need to dig in. From there, you should max out within 3-5 minutes. This is a maximal effort until exhaustion. You are trying to record your absolute best one minute power. So keep pedaling until you simply cannot go any further. At that point, stop pedaling and the test will automatically end and will shift to a nice long cooldown.