Wednesday, August 24th
8:00AM GMT
Celebration ride after the Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift with CANYON//SRAM Racing
Group Ride
Join Kasia Niewiadoma and Pauliena Rooijakkers from CANYON//SRAM Racing to celebrate the team’s success at the 2022 Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift.
The team was twice on the final podium on La Super Planche des Belles Filles! Kasia finished third in the general classification and CANYON//SRAM Racing won the team classification which finished an incredibly successful and exciting tour. Ride alongside Kasia and Pauliena and ask your questions about the long-awaited return of this race to the women’s calendar. What was their experience racing this tour? Was it different to any other event on the calendar? What were the fans like? Get all of your questions ready!
All riders will be allocated the 2022 CANYON//SRAM Racing team jersey for the duration of the ride.
There will be a steady rollout at around 2.0w/kg and then ride around 2.5-2.7w/kg. Riders are welcome to go faster, slower, or stay around the yellow leader beacon, but be sure to ride your own pace and enjoy the ride!
Learn more about CANYON//SRAM Racing here: a new window