Thursday, July 27
5:00 PM UTC
Rocacorba Collective Workout Session
Group Workout
Every last Thursday of the month, we open up our Training Tier Workout Session to all so you can get a taste of how we train.
You can get live coaching on Discord by Helen Bridgman, our Rocacorba Collective Coach.

Invite your friends and join us on discord: a new window

This week’s workout: Hill Repeats
5 x 3 minutes VO2 Max efforts

Warm up with the usual 5 mins steady, ramp to threshold and then 4 mins easy.

5 times through 3 minutes VO2 Max effort - imagine you’re on a hill giving it 100%. Try to keep natural cadence, I’ve suggested between 80-95rpm for each effort and stay seated. Ride easy for 5 minutes in between each effort so you can flush out any lactate and fatigue before you go again.

Cool down - very light on the pedals - for 10 mins to finish.

We are simulating being on a 3 minute hill.